Google drive api rest
Google drive api rest

MapFileEntryExp.Put("createdTime", mapFileEntry.Get("createdTime"))

google drive api rest

MapFileEntryExp.Put("mimeType", mapFileEntry.Get("mimeType")) MapFileEntryExp.Put("name", mapFileEntry.Get("name")) MapFileEntryExp.Put("id", mapFileEntry.Get("id")) 'Log("#- x261, mapFileEntry=" & fcn.logm(mapFileEntry)) Log("#- x209, h_sfl.GetString=" & h_sfl.GetString) Wait For (h_sfl) JobDone(h_sfl As HttpJob) ' files(appProperties,createdTime,fileExtension,id,kind,size) "q","mimeType!='application/' and '" & ParentFolderID & "' in parents and trashed=false")) "q","mimeType!='application/' and trashed=false")) "fields", "files(description,appProperties,createdTime,id,kind,lastModifyingUser,mimeType,modifiedByMe,modifiedByMeTime,name,properties,size,starred,version)", _ Log("#-GoogleDrive.Sub ShowFileList, ParentFolderID=" & ParentFolderID)Īrray As String("access_token", myAccessToken, _ Sub ShowFileList(ParentFolderID As String) As ResumableSub'ignore wait for GD_FileDownloaded(strRet As String) GD.DownloadFile(, File.DirDefaultExternal, "aaa_file_" & ) Label3.Text = $"(Trying to create folder $)"$

google drive api rest

edtFolderToCreate.Text = "Testfolder_01" ListView1.AddSingleLine(lstFiles.Get(i)) Log("#-GD_FileListResult, lstFiles=" & lstToPrettyString(lstFiles) ) wait for GD_FileListResult(lstFiles As List) Label1.Text = "Access_token= " & mapRet.GetDefault("access_token", "?")

google drive api rest

'Log("#- x129, GD_Connected, mapRet=" & mapToPrettyString(mapRet) ) GD.Initialize(Me, "GD", ClientIdOauth, ClientSecret) ', AppApiKey) Label1.Text = "(Trying to connect to Google Drive.)"

google drive api rest

SetApplicationAttribute(android:icon, "$LABEL$") 'See this link for for more information: 'You do not need to modify it in most cases. 'This code will be applied to the manifest file during compilation.

Google drive api rest